Thursday, June 5, 2014
Week 11 20% Project
During week 11 if my 20% project, this week was an extremely important week for my partner and me. This was the week that we video taped our teammate in the customized cleats we made. He did a great job hitting in them. However, once he started to take off and run the bottom portion of the shoe came off on of the cleats. We think the reason for that is because we used hot glue instead of gorilla glue, and the hot glue basically melted because of the hear and wasn't able to stick as good. So now our focus is getting the cleats back together and getting them ready for our final present so we could show everyone what our first prototype.
Monday, June 2, 2014
week 13 20% Project
During week 13 of my 20% Project we presented the shoe to the class. I think my partner an I did a good. We both were practicing what to say. We worked hard trying to get the shoe intact and for it won't come off. We both waited the last minute to began our project. Although we finish this project on time , I thought we were going to get a good grade on it. But we didn't reach our goal. During the presentation I was a little bit nervous. I tried to get comfortable for I won't get stuck on any words.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Week 9 20% project
During week 9 of our 20% project I went to a couple stores to find a good pair of running shoes. I was going to: Sports Authority, Target, and Sport Chalet. These stores had the price to high or they did not have his shoe size. So I decided to go to Big 5. They had a really good price and they had his size. But before that I was getting nervous because I thought I wasn't going to his size and I was getting frustrated. But I was lucky enough to find good pair of shoes. We are going to start making a video for the shoes in action. He is going to hitting, running the baseball and fielding. To see if they are more comfortable than a regular baseball cleat.
Week 10 20% Project
During week 10 of my 20% Project, my partner and I decided to do a presentation to clean up our entire project. We will include a every single thing we have done all year into the presentation. Honestly, what I have learn most from doing this project is procrastination. I am a huge procrastinator when it comes to projects, however, I always get my stuff done and surprisingly I get it done. I honestly think our project idea is a very good idea. Yeah there are comfortable cleats out there, but our idea means that you can make absolutely every shoes into a an athletic pair of baseball cleats. To my partner an I, we believe that our idea for the project is a really good idea because we both love baseball and why not do our project on something that we love to do and have fun with our project.

Friday, April 18, 2014
Week 8% Project
During 8 of my 20% project I was really busy with a bunch of other work from my different classes. For my algebra 2 class I was suppose to do a math project. And I was trouble trying to finish it and that kind of hold m me back from getting my work done in my other class. I don't want to procrastinate on this project. I want to get this done for I could show my teammates that these could be more comfortable than the regular cleats that we use during practice and games. I am happy that I got a good grade for my classes and also for English. I am working hard in all of my classes. I would like to get a 3.50 GPA every time and that will make me happy.

Friday, March 28, 2014
Week 7 20% Project
During week 7 of my 20% project I have mainly been focusing on my finals for all of my classes because the quarter is ending this week. Since we still have quite a bit of time to work on the project we have decided to give it a break for this week and focus on our finals. Even though this class and project is extremely important, I still have four other classes I need to worry about. I even have a final in this class on the book that we have been reading. I am stressing a lot about my other classes so I haven't been able to think about the 20% project really at all. What we still need to do is work on the presentation. My partner and I still need to film the person we're giving the cleats to doing all of the things to show that the cleat is reliable. This includes: running, batting, and fielding.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Week 6 20% Project
During week six of my 20% of my project my partner and I started to work on our presentation for the 20% project. Even though our end product isn't finished yet we still started on our presentation instead of waiting until last minute to do it. What we have included in our presentation so far is the challenges we have faced this year during the project. The biggest problem we have faced this year during the project is worrying about if the bottom of the cleat will stay connected to the shoe. We are very confident in using the gorilla glue so hopefully it won't fail us. We are going to film the guys running the bases, hitting in the cage and taking ground balls from our coach.

Week 5 20% Project
During week 5 of my 20% project we have done very little stuff. My partner and I were mainly working on our 30's project for this class. We had to make a power point and present it in front of the class. We also had to write a paper on our topic on the 1930s so that took up a lot of our time. What were looking forward to is our finishing product. We are still extremely worried about if the bottom of the cleat will come off of the shoe. We have looked up gorilla glue and read some reviews on it. Overall the product seems very reliable, so that's what were probably going to use to put the shoe together. We have been slacking which we can not do. We need to put our priorities first and get this project done. We are very confident that our end product will be a success.

Sunday, March 9, 2014
Week 4 20% Project
During week four of my 20% I haven't been doing much. I have been really busy with baseball and school that I didn't have time to do anything this week. So at then end of this week all I did was I started to look ahead. What I need to focus on is maybe find a different way to make the pair of cleats really comfortable. The reason for that is because if you feel good and look good then you will play good. So I need to find a way to make the shoes more comfortable then they already are. My partner and I are extremely excited for what the end product will look like. What I was thinking about for the extra comfort is inserting an extra sole in there so it will make it more comfortable and your feet won't hurt after you use them. Ready for week five.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Week 3 20% Project
During week three of my 20% project my partner and I decided to change the that we are using for the project. In the beginning we decided to use this brand call US Athletic, but we decided to change that. We didn't wasn't o use high quality shoes but we thought about it and realize that the end product is going to be revolved around the shoe. So if we get a shoe that can be torn apart easily then won't look good on my part. We don't have to get a nice pair of shoe. The shoe that we decide to get are Nike. We are going to go to a local shoe store and look at what they have on clearance. They aren't going to be the nicest pair of Nike, but nonetheless they are Nikes. We are very excited on what the end product will look like now knowing the shoe we get are going to be good.

Thursday, February 13, 2014
Week 2 20% Project
During week 2 of my 20% project my partner and I are focusing on our final product. We still need to connect the bottom part of the cleat to the shoe but we are looking ahead from that. The only thing that we are still worried about is if the bottom part of the the cleat will line up on the correct part of the shoe because we don't want it to be lop sided at all. We are also worried about the bottom part of the cleat falling off the shoe. If the bottom part of the cleat does start to come off the shoe, we will give the rest of the bottle of glue to the person that we are giving to cleats to.

Friday, January 31, 2014
Week 1 20% Porject
During my first week I was off from doing my blog. I thought about how my project would look after I am done with it. The main thing i am still concerned about is how the shoes is going to stick together with the cleat. If I am not 100% for sure that the shoe will stay together then whatever I use for the project I will give the person bottle of glue I use on it so if the bottom part of the shoe dose come off, then the person we give the cleat so they can apply the glue to where the part of the cleat is coming off. I think my project if going to a success in the end. If the cleat are a success then my partner and I will consider making more. If it is not a success the first time we do it then we will try again and learn from our mistakes.
(This is the glue that we are going to be using.)
(This is the glue that we are going to be using.)

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